
This section aims at providing examples for the data structures that are used while interacting with De Carrièrebus API. All examples are in JSON.

The top level object is Job.

Top level object


Basic data related to the job such as reference, employment type, title, description, etc.


Name Type NULL Value Description
reference string  

Required. The unique job ID for the job send. maximum length = 10 characters. The ID must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), or hyphens (-). If not specified, the job ID will be provided by our system.

employmentType string  

Required. Type of employment.

Choose one or more of the following case-sensitive values:

  • "INTERN"
  • "PER_DIEM"
  • "OTHER"
jobTitle string  

Required. The title of the job (not the title of the posting). Max 80 chars (incl. spaces). For example, "Software Engineer" or "Finance Traineeship". 
Please follow our guidelines for job titles.

description string  

Required. The full description of the job in HTML format.

The description should be a complete representation of the job, including job responsibilities, qualifications, skills, working hours, education requirements, and experience requirements. The description can't be the same as the title. Please follow our guidelines for the job description

datePosted dateTime  

Required. The original date that employer posted the job in ISO 8601 format. For example, "2020-02-24T19:33:17+00:00".

validThrough dateTime  

The date when the job posting will expire in ISO 8601 format. For example, "2020-02-24T19:33:17+00:00".

If a job posting never expires, or you do not know when the job will expire, do not include this property. If the job is filled before the expiration date occurs, remove the job posting.

urlToApply URI  

Required. External link to the job description or application form on your company's website, starting with 'http://' or 'https://'.

company company  

Required. The organization offering the job position. This should be the name of the company (for example, "ABN AMRO"), and not the specific location that is hiring (for example, "ABN AMRO in Delft").

salary salary  

The actual basic salary for the position, as provided by the employer (no estimate). A fixed salary or salary range. With a certain currency.

For the unitText of QuantitativeValue, use one of the following case-sensitive values:

  • "HOUR"
  • "DAY"
  • "WEEK"
  • "MONTH"
  • "YEAR"
siteListing siteListing   Required. The bait title and bait text of the job as shown in the job result listing.
data data   Extra data related to the job such as number of working hours, level of education, number of years of work experience, responsibilities, qualifications, job requirements and benefits offered.


    "employmentType":"\"FULL_TIME\", \"PART_TIME\"",
    "title":"International Key Account Manager",
        "branchName":"Abn Amro",
            "houseNumber":"32 hs",
                "longName":"Admiraal de Ruijterweg",
                "shortName":"Adm. de Ruijterweg"
        "postalcode":"1056 GJ",
        "baitTitle":"Network Manager Clearing",
        "baitText":"<p>Can you manage the relationships with and the performance of our international service providers and counterparties of the ABN AMRO Clearing Bank (AACB)?</p>",




The name and logo of the company.


Name Type Description
name string

name of the company.

logoUrl URI

external url to the company logo.


    "name": "De Carrièrebus B.V.",
    "logoUrl": "https://carrierebus.nl/content/images/company-logo.png"


Extra data related to the job such as number of working hours, level of education, number of years of work experience, responsibilities, qualifications, job requirements and benefits offered.


Name Type Description
educationLevel string

Required. The education degree required for the job.

Choose one or more of the following case-sensitive values:

  • "MAVO"
  • "HAVO"
  • "VWO"
  • "MBO"
  • "HBO"
  • "WO"
  • "PHD"
  • "MBA"
  • "OTHER"
workHours valueRange

The minimum and maximum number of working hours per week. Range form 0 - 40 hours per week.

workExperience valueRange

The minimum and maximum number of years of work experience.

responsibilities string

Description of the responsibilities that ar e part of the job.

qualifications string

Description of the qualifications required for the job.

requirements string

Description of the requirements for the job.

fringeBenefits string

Description of the fringeBenefits associated with the job.




The name of the component which contains a longName and/ or shortName.


Name Type Description
longName string

This is the full text description or name of the component.

shortName string

This is an abbreviated textual name for the component, if available. For example, an address component for the Admiraal de Ruijterweg may have a longName of "Admiraal de Ruijterweg" and a shortName of "Ad. de Ruijterwg" using an abbreviation.


    "longName": "Admiraal de Ruijterweg",
    "shortName": "Adm. de Ruijterweg"


The actual basic salary for the position, as provided by the employer (no estimate). A fixed salary or salary range. With a certain currency.


Name Type Description
unitText string

Use one of the following case-sensitive values:

  • "HOUR"
  • "DAY"
  • "WEEK"
  • "MONTH"
  • "YEAR"
currency string

Use one of the following case-sensitive values:

  • "EUR"
  • "USD"
  • "GBP"
fixedAmount decimal

The exact salary amount.

minimumSalary decimal

The minimum salary amount.

maximumSalary decimal

The maximum salary amount.




The content of a job result in a job listing.


Name Type Description
baitTitle string

Required. The bait title of the job as shown in the job result listing. The bait title can be unique or the same as the title. Bait title: maximum number of characters including spaces = 80. Best practices: Provide concise, readable titles. Don't overuse special characters such as "!" and "*". Abusing special characters might cause your structured data to be considered as Spammy Structured Markup. Numbers and characters such as "/" and "-" are acceptable. 👎 Not recommended: *** WAREHOUSE HIRING NOW!! ON A BUS ROUTE!! *** 👍 Recommended: Shipping and Receiving Warehouse Associate

baitText string

Required. The bait text of the job as shown in the job result listing. The bait text can be unique or same as, for exemple, the first sentence of the description. Bait text: maximum number of characters including spaces = 200.

image URI

External link to the background-image of the job. Image should be in landscape and without text. The ratio of the image should be around 4:1 (w:h) with a minimum width of 1200px. Maximum file-size = 350 kB. Supported file types: JPEG, PNG and GIF.

tags string

Extra tags to show in the job result.


    "baitTitle": "A target driven International Key Account Manager",
    "baitText": "The International Key Account Manager (IKAM) is responsible for the turnover and gross margin of existing and new international clients.",
    "image": "https://carrierebus.nl/content/images/carrierebus/job-bg.jpg",
    "tags": "Python, C#"


The range of a certain component with a minimum and a maximum value


Name Type Description
min integer

This is the minimum value of the range.

max integer

This is the minimum value of the range.


    "min": 32,
    "max": 40


Job title guidelines

Best practices:

  • This property should be the title of the job only.
  • Don't include job codes, addresses, dates, salaries, or company names in the title property.
    • 👎 Not recommended: Apply now for IT job -FRENCH speaker in Amsterdam.
    • 👍 Recommended: Market Specialist, French speaker
  • Provide concise, readable titles.
  • Don't overuse special characters such as "!" and "*". Abusing special characters might cause your structured data to be considered as Spammy Structured Markup. Numbers and characters such as "/" and "-" are acceptable.
    • 👎 Not recommended: *** WAREHOUSE HIRING NOW!! ON A BUS ROUTE!! ***
    • 👍 Recommended: Shipping and Receiving Warehouse Associate
  • Don't use name instead of title. The properties title and name aren't interchangeable.
  • If you're a third party job site, don't attempt to modify the job title to follow the guidelines above, as it can make the title unreadable. Instead, provide the title as you received it from the employer.

Job description guidelines

  • You must format the description in HTML.
  • At minimum, add paragraph breaks using 
    <p>, <h1>, <h2>, <ul>, <ol> and <li>.
  • The feature recognizes the following HTML tags: ...
  • The feature doesn't accept other character-level tags, such as ...